Have you ever considered that your research may provide knowledge, information, materials, products, or technologies that could be misused for harmful purposes? Do you know when a license is required to publish your results? Would you notice when a vial containing an infectious high-risk pathogen is missing?

These examples demonstrate the importance of good practices to secure and account for pathogens and sensitive technologies from unauthorized access, theft, misuse or intentional release.

This page provides you with links to tools and guidelines to support you in assessing the dual-use potential and other biosecurity related sensitivities of your research, such as export control.

Biosecurity pillars

Biosecurity focuses on protecting biological agents and on the knowledge and technology required for this. Biosecurity can be divided into eight pillars.

Biosecurity movie

Picture16 film Pijlers Bewustwording compilatie

This film provides an introduction into eight pillars of good practice for biosecurity, that are important when implementing biosecurity control measures.

Dual-Use Quickscan

Dual-Use Quickscan is a scan that allows you to identify potential dual-use aspects of your research.

Pathogen lists

Overview of various risk classification lists for human, animal and plant pathogens.

Code of Conduct

Picture14 film Pijlers Organisatorisch gedragscodedocument

This code of conduct for researchers is aimed at raising awareness of the possible risks of the misuse of knowledge.

Export control

Strict rules apply to the export of dual-use goods to countries outside the European Union, including a permit.


Various national and international biosecurity information sources, including links, documents and biosecurity tools.

Rules of security

10 golden rules of security to promote awareness for working safely and securely with biological agents.


Postcard Dual use Plague

Several biosecurity awareness postcards to send to colleagues.

The Biosecurity Office is a knowledge and information centre and answers questions regarding biosecurity. Here you will find relevant links, documents and reports. It is also possible to view the biosecurity movie.


You can contact the Biosecurity Office via biosecurity@rivm.nl of via +31-30-2743120.