On Thursday, April 22, 2021, the Biosecurity Office will organize the second webinar of the series of webinars 'Biosecurity in Research'. This time the webinar focuses on tools and resources to bring biosecurity within the organization to the attention.
For the program and to sign up, look at https://bureaubiosecurity.nl/webinar
The second biosecurity webinar builds on the first webinar on November 19. During the first webinar it became clear that there is still much to be improved in the field of biosecurity and dual-use awareness among researchers. But how do you do that? What knowledge and products are available for this or are you going to reinvent the wheel yourself?
Over the past few months, the Biosecurity Office has held approximately 20 one-on-one conversations with colleagues in the Netherlands and Belgium who are responsible for biosafety and often also biosecurity in their organization. Each conversation provided valuable insights and input. We have divided the resources used to raise awareness to biosecurity within the organization into six categories: E-learning modules, training/course, overview tools, assessment tools, guidelines & legal frameworks and awareness raising tools.
During the second webinar, this overview will be presented and practical examples will be highlighted. Then we split up into groups to share experiences. In addition, we are working towards the third and final webinar in this series, which will be specifically aimed at researchers and laboratory staff. The aim of this last webinar is to make this target group more aware of biosecurity and dual-use risks. We would like to hear from you what should not be missing in the last webinar and how we can connect as best as possible with practice.
In mid-March you can expect the invitation for the second webinar with the link to register yourself. After reading this post, would you also like to share your biosecurity experience or tools within your organization with us? Contact us and we will make an appointment for this!