Before the corona crisis, the Biosecurity Office regularly attended meetings abroad with the aim of sharing knowledge, gaining knowledge and networking. With the release of the COVID measures, various meetings are back to normal, hopefully we can really meet again. You can read more about the upcoming meetings in this news item.

The aim of 'Bureau Biosecurity International' is to inform you about our activities abroad. Where have we been (online) and where can you possibly meet us (digitally). If you are going to an international meeting and would like to share biosecurity knowledge and information, do not hesitate to contact us. We may be able to support you with materials or sharing experiences we have gained in certain countries.

European Biosafety Association Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of the European Biosafety Association (EBSA) on biological safety will take place on 19 and 20 May in Ghent (Belgium). The Biosecurity Office will present the online tools by means of a poster and will provide a break-out session on “Dual use, misuse and research of concern”. In this active workshop we will discuss recognizing possible dual-use research on the basis of an interesting case. By having discussions with the European participants, we will hopefully gain more insight into how other colleagues deal with dual-use in their organization. The EBSA meeting is also always a great opportunity to exchange ideas about biosafety and biosecurity with colleagues in an informal manner.

ABSA International’s 2nd Biosecurity Hybrid Symposium

The American Biological Safety Association (ABSA) will host its second biosecurity symposium from May 3-6. Topics that were central during this symposium include biosecurity governance, implementation, training, cyberbiosecurity and biosecurity in DIY communities.