In the context of an EU project, Bureau Biosecurity developed a biosecurity resource toolbox together with consortium partners. This toolbox contains information and links to 60 freely accessible resources, which are sorted by theme. The toolbox includes biosecurity assessment tools, guidelines, online training courses and best practices.
Bureau Biosecurity participated last year in the EU project "The preparation of a biosecurity toolbox to strengthen European Biosecurity". The project was carried out last year by a consortium consisting of RIVM (with members of Bureau Biosecurity), ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) and ENCO (consultancy providing specialized services on nuclear power and CBRN topics to both government and industry), with support from members of the EBRF (European Biosecurity Regulators Forum, www.ebrf.eu).
In this project, among other goals, a Biosecurity Toolbox has been designed with the most important practical tools and guidelines that EU Member States could use to mitigate the proliferation of biological materials. The toolbox contains both national and institutional level tools. The themes of the resources are Legislation, policy & codes; Self assessment tools; frameworks and checklists; Risk and threat assessment & management; Biosafety & security training; awareness raising; Guidance & best practices. It contains a variety of resources, including books, checklists, codes of ethics, databases, guidance and best practices, legislation, interactive tools, online training, etc. The toolbox can be found on the EBRF website (http://ebrf. eu/toolbox.html).